Action plan

Last updated:
November 26, 2023

When you create a report to analyse your clients’ data, you may want to focus in on specific actions they need to take in future, or monitor progress against previously agreed actions. To do this, you can use the Action Plan page. With this page type you can focus on up to six agreed actions, set due dates and assign actions to specific people in the business.

To add the Action Plan page

The page already appears in the default templates, but if it doesn’t appear in your report you can easily add it:

  1. Open the Build report tab, then click Add Page.
  2. Enter a name for the page, for example Action Plan.
  3. From the Page Type screen, choose Action Plan.
  4. From the Insert After drop-down list, choose the page after which you want to insert the new page.
  5. To add the page, click Save.

To amend the Action Plan page

Add a new action

  1. From the Build report tab, locate the Action Plan page, then click Customise.
  2. Click Add a New Action.

You can then edit the new action to contain the information you need.

Remove an action

Note: Once you remove an action, you cannot undo this. We recommend that you save a PDF copy of your report before you remove an action.

  1. From the Build report tab, hover the mouse over the Action Plan page, then click Customise.
  2. Hover the mouse over the action you want to remove, then click the red X.

Edit an action

You can amend any area of each individual action section.

  1. From the Build report tab, hover the mouse over the Action Plan page, then click Customise.
  2. Hover the mouse over the action you want to edit, then click Edit.
  1. Make the required changes, then click Save. The following options are available:
  • Type - This is the main heading for the action. Choose a default type from the drop-down list, or to enter your own title, choose Other and then enter the title you want to use.
  • Assignee - The person or team responsible for this action. Enter the required name directly into the box.
  • Due date - The date by which the action must be completed. By default, this is the month after the current report date. To change this, click the date and select the required date from the calendar.
  • Action details - This is a free text box for you to enter a description of the action required. Enter the text you want directly into the box. If required, you can amend the font and list options from the toolbar.

    Note: You can use up to 250 characters.
  • Progress bar - You can use this bar to mark the progress toward completion of the action. Simply drag the bar to the appropriate percentage. If required, you can also change the colour of the bar. To do this, click the colour wheel and select the colour you want to use.
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