Business intelligence is in our DNA

For over over a decade Spotlight Reporting has delivered award winning data insights for businesses and their Advisors. Now we are unlocking the power of ESG reporting with Spotlight Sustain.


The team behind Spotlight Reporting is proud to bring you Spotlight Sustain.

More than ever reporting on non-financial metrics is becoming just as critical as the financial insights Spotlight Reporting is renowned for delivering to businesses and their advisors. This is why we are proud to introduce Spotlight Sustain - ESG reporting made simple. 

Discover the power of Spotlight Reporting

Want to learn more about Spotlight Reporting the team behind Spotlight Sustain?

We also deliver advanced Cashflow, Forecasting and business intelligence solutions. To learn more head over to

Our Four Products

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Go beyond the numbers with Spotlight Reporting

Create comprehensive visual reports, consolidations, and KPIs, revealing the insights that matter the most.


Powerful forecasting, cash flow & budgeting

Say goodbye to error-prone spreadsheets. Easily create budgets, forecasts, and what-if analysis. Even produce consolidated forecasts for groups with ease.


High level Dashboards for a birds eye view

Within minutes create high-level overviews of the most important business metrics on one insightful page to get an instant snapshot of the business.


Aggregate and benchmark with Spotlight Multi

Aggregate and compare networks and industry verticals. Perfect for Franchises, Not-for-Profits and industry specialists.

Our Mission

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Task Creation & Assignment
  • Create tasks
  • Set due dates
  • Assign tasks
Task Tracking & Progress status
  • Task status
  • Progress
  • Completion percentage
Task Reminders & Notification
  • Upcoming tasks
  • Overdue tasks

Meet our team

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Shane Lowe

Marketing Manager

Richard Francis, FCA

CEO & Co-founder


Product Manager

Samuel Bishop

UI/UX Designer

Bryan Knight

UI/UX Designer

Louis Ferguson

UI/UX Designer

Dennis Barrett

UI/UX Designer

Amanda Reed

UI/UX Designer


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Happy clients

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Satisfaction rate

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Total downloads

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Start a free trial or book a demo today!

Spotlight Sustain