Privacy & security

Last updated:
November 26, 2023


You can use the Privacy & security page to track security incidents and training completed.

The page includes two charts, plus an additional two commentary panels for your own observations.

Data required

To be able to show data on all charts in the page, you will need to import values for the following accounts, or enter them directly within Build data:

Note: The report codes for the accounts will be automatically assigned.

  • Privacy and Security Incidents - CUS.PRI.QUA
  • Privacy and Security Investment - CUS.PRI.FIN

Charts included

Privacy & security incidents

Overview:  Reporting on Privacy & security incidents allows organisations to identify trends and patterns and improve its processes and systems to minimize the likelihood of a breach occuring.

Formula: Privacy and Security Incidents (actual vs target)

Report codes: CUS.PRI.QUA

Privacy & security investment

Overview:  Privacy and security investments benefits business and organisation, including a competitive advantage, better agility and quality of data, higher trust and loyalty and experience fewer and less costly breaches.

Formula: Privacy and Security Investment (actual vs target)

Report codes: CUS.PRI.FIN

Privacy & security commentary

This is an additional text panel where you can include your observations about the charts or data on the page. You can find details about how to work with text panels here.

Certification & audits

This is an additional text panel where you can include your observations about the charts or data on the page. You can find details about how to work with text panels here.

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