
Last updated:
November 26, 2023


You can use the Culture page to track internal measures for the business, based on employee turnover, tenure, and NPS scoring.

The page includes four charts, plus an additional two commentary panels for your own observations.

Data required

To be able to show data on all charts in the page, you will need to import values for the following accounts, or enter them directly within Build data:

Note: The report codes for the accounts will be automatically assigned.

  • Employee Trainings - PEO.CUL.TRA
  • Employee NPS - PEO.CUL.COM
  • Tenure: Less than 1 year -PEO.CUL.TEN
  • Tenure: 1 to 2 Years - PEO.CUL.TEN
  • Tenure: 2 to 5 Years - PEO.CUL.TEN
  • Tenure: Over 5 Years - PEO.CUL.TEN
  • Employee Turnover - PEO.CUL.TUR

Charts included

Employee training

Overview: Employee training refers to efforts to help employees acquire new skills, knowledge and build on their strengths. Report on programs your organisation has to upskill your workforce.

Formula: Employee Trainings (actual vs target)

Report codes: PEO.CUL.TRA

Employee NPS

Overview: Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an effective feedback metric that measures employee engagement and satisfaction.

Formula: Employee NPS (actual vs target)

Report codes: PEO.CUL.COM

Employee tenure

Overview: Employee Tenure is the length of time an employee has worked for a particular employer. This could be reported as short, medium or long term tenure.

Formula: Tenure: Less than 1 year, Tenure: 1 to 2 Years, Tenure: 2 to 5 Years, Tenure: Over 5 Years

Report codes: PEO.CUL.TEN

Employee turnover

Overview: Employee turnover refers to the number of employees who leave an organisation over a set period. It can be expressed as a percentage of total workforce numbers.

Formula: Employee Turnover (actual vs target)

Report codes: PEO.CUL.TUR

Employee training commentary

This is an additional text panel where you can include your observations about the charts or data on the page. You can find details about how to work with text panels here.

Company culture commentary

This is an additional text panel where you can include your observations about the charts or data on the page. You can find details about how to work with text panels here.

Spotlight Sustain